Artist Statement

Artist statement:

Grew a passion for socializing with strangers

with them lessons are learned

drawings made

bonds spark 

conversations fill my glass

Vibes in the air

sit still,

can you feel them in your hair? 

let them funnel through you

feel and draw

don't think and draw

Mistakes are not in my view

let the stranger play in the drawing

let them break free from the shackles of what everyone calls mistake

while it happens we all laugh at the fact that no one knows what art is

  • Sensing the environment one vibe at a time 

If the vibes are for some reason chaotic

walk away to next park 

If the next sight is also intense

drive away to the next town

If the next town for some reason feels wicked

drive away to the next state   

When states ran out

Jump to the next country.

When countries ran out

Jump to a boat and sail. 

When the sea has ran out

Jump to an aircraft and fly. 

When the sky has ran out 

Buy a ticket to the moon.

When the moon has ran out

Jump to the other planets in this solar system. 

When no more planets can be visited 

realize that the walked path was the whole point

- Repeat if not satisfied

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